標題: 檢查主板故障的常用方法 [打印本頁(yè)] 作者: jng111 時(shí)間: 2008-9-20 11:36 標題: 檢查主板故障的常用方法 檢查主板故障的常用方法作者: simeon 時(shí)間: 2008-9-23 12:22
怎么下部了呢/作者: liqian1987 時(shí)間: 2008-9-27 12:51
你沒(méi)有錢(qián)了,多回一下貼子,就有了作者: gszhuh 時(shí)間: 2008-10-4 17:41
暈,沒(méi)錢(qián)還不能下載。作者: gszhuh 時(shí)間: 2008-10-4 17:42
下載是不是要金錢(qián)大于幾?作者: JCH1222 時(shí)間: 2008-10-4 21:41 標題: 哈學(xué)習學(xué)習! 哈學(xué)習學(xué)習!作者: JCH1222 時(shí)間: 2008-10-4 21:44 標題: 好進(jìn)來(lái)學(xué)習學(xué)習 好進(jìn)來(lái)學(xué)習作者: imgimg 時(shí)間: 2008-10-5 09:48
好東東,多回貼,多掙錢(qián)。。。作者: little0188 時(shí)間: 2008-10-6 20:56
下來(lái)看看作者: xiaobo712 時(shí)間: 2008-10-7 09:46
得多少錢(qián)呀,版主作者: xiaobo712 時(shí)間: 2008-10-7 10:19
下載了,打不開(kāi),作者: beilang001 時(shí)間: 2008-10-7 21:11
頂你個(gè)骯作者: 譚福林 時(shí)間: 2008-10-7 23:02
好東西作者: lb42929929 時(shí)間: 2008-10-8 13:27
頂起~~~作者: ymyygy 時(shí)間: 2008-10-8 17:02
暈死..下個(gè)東西還要錢(qián),真是的.作者: afu554100531 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 09:13 標題: haodongxi 好東西啊 沒(méi)錢(qián)不能下載馬?作者: dianshangsan 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 11:22 標題: 學(xué)習 好好學(xué)作者: 維修學(xué)子 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 16:48
可惜還不能看作者: 維修學(xué)子 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 17:38
真不錯啊作者: 296982 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 18:22 標題: ghgjh gdhfhjghj作者: 296982 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 18:23 標題: gghggg drtgdfghfjhfhj作者: 不想修主板 時(shí)間: 2008-10-9 22:06
怎么不讓看 啊作者: 學(xué)仔妹 時(shí)間: 2008-10-10 08:03
怎么老要恢復才行吶,新來(lái)的應該贈送點(diǎn)影子嘛!哈哈!作者: 學(xué)仔妹 時(shí)間: 2008-10-10 08:05
要多少才能看到?!~~~作者: tianann 時(shí)間: 2008-10-13 15:05 標題: rfgdf ggggggg作者: sq1624 時(shí)間: 2008-10-14 12:06
下載下看看作者: sq1624 時(shí)間: 2008-10-14 12:22
學(xué)習 下載一下作者: maxlk718 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 10:52
不知我有權下沒(méi),先謝謝老大了!作者: maxlk718 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 10:55
下來(lái)看看學(xué)習一下,謝謝樓主!作者: hao3842 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 19:18
你們都說(shuō)好下來(lái)看看作者: chibo817 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 20:09
為什么我的錢(qián)這么少 想看個(gè)內容都不行作者: chzh7742 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 23:23
還差點(diǎn)作者: chzh7742 時(shí)間: 2008-10-16 23:26
謝謝分享作者: 406290494 時(shí)間: 2008-10-17 10:41
學(xué)習 作者: 406290494 時(shí)間: 2008-10-17 10:42
學(xué)習 作者: 406290494 時(shí)間: 2008-10-17 10:52
沒(méi)錢(qián)啊 作者: 406290494 時(shí)間: 2008-10-17 10:52
沒(méi)錢(qián)不叫下作者: yunlan2008 時(shí)間: 2008-10-17 11:14 標題: 學(xué)習 支持一下作者: hwf917 時(shí)間: 2008-10-19 20:24
看看~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: cc30395 時(shí)間: 2008-10-27 09:30
下不了東西啊作者: jifeng1331 時(shí)間: 2008-11-1 15:27
謝謝 樓主 正需要那1~作者: 王凡林 時(shí)間: 2008-11-1 15:46
學(xué)習一下作者: pdc1987 時(shí)間: 2008-11-1 18:21
收藏一下。。作者: chenshiban 時(shí)間: 2008-11-5 13:12
l回帖。。。謝謝分享作者: fzm24 時(shí)間: 2008-11-21 08:50
很不錯。。作者: uuyt 時(shí)間: 2008-11-21 17:26
說(shuō)的不是很詳細,只能針對中級以上的維修,初級的看都看不懂.,如如何判斷主板芯片的好壞.,.作者: renlinhai 時(shí)間: 2008-11-22 12:38
多少錢(qián)作者: renlinhai 時(shí)間: 2008-11-22 12:40
我能下載嗎作者: 215318809 時(shí)間: 2008-12-10 12:17
可以下啊··不用錢(qián)的 額··作者: 明煜 時(shí)間: 2008-12-10 13:01 標題: 顯示器變灰 顯示器變回了是啥回事作者: garin 時(shí)間: 2008-12-11 13:38
好東西就要支持一下子作者: ekinchi 時(shí)間: 2008-12-11 13:38
下來(lái)收藏了,支持!作者: qingniao818 時(shí)間: 2008-12-11 14:04
呵呵:有免費的嗎作者: xjl520 時(shí)間: 2008-12-12 13:14
為了看到它---掙錢(qián)中。。!作者: mpo0173 時(shí)間: 2009-2-26 17:09
多回貼,多賺錢(qián)作者: kiss-hxh 時(shí)間: 2009-3-18 22:38
學(xué)習學(xué)習!作者: kiss-hxh 時(shí)間: 2009-3-18 22:42
怎么下不了?作者: hbhdgpyz 時(shí)間: 2009-3-29 14:50
要是有視頻的就好了作者: zly128 時(shí)間: 2009-3-31 10:49
下來(lái)看看作者: zhangbisong 時(shí)間: 2009-3-31 13:01
我也沒(méi)有錢(qián)了。。。頂一下吧作者: dasing 時(shí)間: 2009-3-31 15:47
又要錢(qián)啊作者: victory8580 時(shí)間: 2009-4-8 23:06
學(xué)習了作者: 818852 時(shí)間: 2009-4-19 22:51
很不錯得樓主哦,謝謝作者: abencr 時(shí)間: 2009-4-23 19:42
看看有什么不一樣的地方作者: YJB6699 時(shí)間: 2009-5-15 00:09
太一辦了作者: huangwengui123 時(shí)間: 2009-6-22 23:36
感謝分享 就是金錢(qián)不夠作者: fdsa4 時(shí)間: 2009-6-25 18:00
xue xi le yixia ..xie xie作者: swh5702 時(shí)間: 2009-6-30 17:27
最近學(xué)習修一塊精英845G主板,用主板診斷卡測試,不上內存,不上CPU,診斷卡顯示電源燈都正常工作,由于沒(méi)裝上CPU,起動(dòng)上電正常CPU風(fēng)扇轉動(dòng),關(guān)機也正常CPU風(fēng)扇轉動(dòng)停止.上CPU后主板電源過(guò)幾秒總是重復起動(dòng),起動(dòng)后5V 12V 3.3V -12V -5V都正常工作,過(guò)幾秒后就停止后在重復,是起動(dòng)電路那里壞了,請批評指正,謝了作者: swh5702 時(shí)間: 2009-6-30 17:29
是晶體壞了?還是三極管壞了.作者: 博西 時(shí)間: 2009-7-12 15:20
這個(gè)我正好需要作者: jiahengkeji 時(shí)間: 2009-7-14 21:08
好東西啊作者: jiahengkeji 時(shí)間: 2009-7-14 21:09
頂啊···作者: lala888 時(shí)間: 2009-7-15 11:44
學(xué)習! 學(xué)習!作者: 神秘天蝎 時(shí)間: 2009-7-21 06:47
頂貼賺分作者: 宋佳 時(shí)間: 2009-9-2 08:35
我也想下載啊,怎么下載不了呢?能不能做一些不要錢(qián)的下載啊,我是新手哦。作者: qfdn 時(shí)間: 2009-9-2 11:39
學(xué)習學(xué)習學(xué)習作者: 徐州楚韻 時(shí)間: 2009-9-14 23:36
就一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)東西也要下載?作者: sg66 時(shí)間: 2009-9-15 10:25
最好是貼部分內容,讓別人可以初步了解下,來(lái)定有沒(méi)有下載的必要~~作者: zgjwz 時(shí)間: 2009-9-16 11:37
還不錯!作者: laoshinianfo 時(shí)間: 2009-9-18 16:53
很好有參考意義,謝謝樓主作者: 158347010 時(shí)間: 2009-10-11 07:59
怎么都要錢(qián)呀作者: chenhongtao5011 時(shí)間: 2013-11-15 16:46
本文來(lái)自: 91修網(wǎng)(http://www.jstransmit.com) 詳細文章參考:http://www.jstransmit.com/thread-118207-1-15.html作者: qulove520 時(shí)間: 2014-3-4 18:25
沒(méi)錢(qián)下載不了作者: kcjpoa4b4 時(shí)間: 2014-11-17 16:08 標題: neverwinter astral diamonds A Chinese journal China newspaper apologises over Chen Yongzhou studies
27 Oct 2013Last updated from 02:07 ET Share this page Delicious Digg Facebook reddit StumbleUpon Twitter Email Print China newspaper apologises above Chen Yongzhou reports Chen Yongzhou sprang out on express TV in prison consistence Continue reading the key storyRelated StoriesChina reporter 'confesses' at TVChina paper renews correspondent pleaCan Xi's campaign restart public trust? A Chinese journal, which produced front-page appeals for your release of a its journalists, has neverwinter astral diamonds written an apology. The Guangdong-based Different Express says a preliminary law enforcement investigation learned that Chen Yongzhou had agreed on money to write numerous false reports. He was arrested about claims the guy defamed a mainly state-owned firm in articles subjecting alleged file corruption error. The paper's front-page neverwinter astral diamonds GHG apology sprang after the reporter confessed to make sure you wrongdoing on state TV. "I'm prepared admit our guilt and also to show repentance," Mr Chen says in a proclamation broadcast relating to Saturday. 'Harming trust' The Completely new Express obtained previously reinforced him with the help of unusually bold front-page appeals meant for his launching. Continue reading the principal storyRecent Televised Confessions April: Businessman together with blogger Charles Xue confesses spreading ill advised posts internet and believing herself above the legal requirement August: Language risk-management consultant Chris Humphrey, arrested above trafficking private data, apologises for the Chinese administration on Closed-circuit television July: Senior citizen manager involved with pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, Liang Hong, admits for you to misusing funds But in a very statement about Sunday's front page, the idea said it have failed to thoroughly check his reports. "This classified was not tough enough related to thoroughly fact-checking this draft for the report,Ins it mentioned. "After the crash occurred that newspaper went on inappropriate measures, seriously accumulation the public neverwinter astral diamonds Fearne Cotton belief of the media channels." It offered to better make sure its correspondents and writers "comply with competent journalistic condition and regulations". The turn-around came up one day just after Mr Chen appeared on condition television in a green dejecting prison uniform in order to neverwinter astral diamonds confess to help writing wrong stories for funds. Several high-profile thinks have made televised confessions recently. A show shot of your New Voice headline that will reads "Please Let go Him" Experts say confessions continues to routinely coerced, despite zhanging your the law recently banning the police from driving anyone to incriminate by themself. Mr Chen wrote a lot of articles for those New Express alleging money irregularities with only a construction-equipment company recognized as Zoomlion. The company turns down the neverwinter astral diamonds using the slogan claims. "In this case Herbal legal smoking buds caused harms to Zoomlion also, the whole news media industry and how it can earn the public's believe," he / she told express broadcaster CCTV. "I managed this I hankered upon money in addition to fame. I am used. I've got realised your wrongdoing." State marketing said they previously confessed to taking bribes, and yet did not claim who probably have paid that bribes. His case pulled huge notice after the Fresh Express double used it is front page to call for the release. Media watching group Chinese suppliers Digital Days reported that the Communist Party's propaganda work group had prohibited newspapers via reporting the situation. But many papers have prolonged to cover this. China's newspaper sector is tightly monitored by a technique of nearby censors carrying out event directives.
China classified apologises over Chen Yongzhou records