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標題: U盤(pán)低格出現Format Error occured at offset xxx [打印本頁(yè)]

作者: songfz00    時(shí)間: 2011-4-28 15:53
標題: U盤(pán)低格出現Format Error occured at offset xxx
2011-04-28 15:47:40    * * * * *  WARNING!!! * * * * *
2011-04-28 15:47:55   
2011-04-28 15:47:55   =================================================
2011-04-28 15:47:55   Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool 2.36 build 1181;
2011-04-28 15:47:55   Low level format: Kingston DT 101 II    1.00    [3868.43 Mbytes]
2011-04-28 15:47:55   Device size: 7,555,528 sectors
2011-04-28 15:48:28   Format Error occured at offset 0
2011-04-28 15:49:09   Format Error occured at offset 524,288
2011-04-28 15:49:49   Format Error occured at offset 1,048,576
2011-04-28 15:50:30   Format Error occured at offset 1,572,864
2011-04-28 15:51:10   Format Error occured at offset 2,097,152
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 2,621,440
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 3,145,728
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 3,670,016
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 4,194,304
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 4,718,592
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 5,242,880
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 5,767,168
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 6,291,456
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 6,815,744
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 7,340,032
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 7,864,320
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 8,388,608
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 8,912,896
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 9,437,184
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 9,961,472
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 10,485,760
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 11,010,048
2011-04-28 15:52:04   Format Error occured at offset 11,534,336
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 12,058,624
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 12,582,912
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 13,107,200
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 13,631,488
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 14,155,776
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 14,680,064
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 15,204,352
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 15,728,640
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 16,252,928
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 16,777,216
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 17,301,504
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 17,825,792
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 18,350,080
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 18,874,368
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 19,398,656
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 19,922,944
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 20,447,232
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 20,971,520
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 21,495,808
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 22,020,096
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 22,544,384
2011-04-28 15:52:05   Format Error occured at offset 23,068,672


2011-04-28 15:52:38   Low-level format is done. You will have to create partitions and format this drive.   

就這樣  難不成報廢嗎

作者: songfz00    時(shí)間: 2011-4-28 20:37
暈 怎么沒(méi)人回答呢   量產(chǎn)也不行 插上U盤(pán) 量產(chǎn)工具也就死在那里

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