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T60 Safety information

蔡興45 發(fā)表于 2008-7-3 22:30:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式 來(lái)自 中國廣東廣州


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The following section presents safety information with which you need to be familiar before you service a ThinkPad computer. General safety Follow these rules to ensure general safety: v Observe good housekeeping in the area of the machines during and after maintenance. v When lifting any heavy object: 1. Make sure that you can stand safely without slipping. 2. Distribute the weight of the object equally between your feet. 3. Use a slow lifting force. Never move suddenly or twist when you attempt to lift. 4. Lift by standing or by pushing up with your leg muscles; this action removes the strain from the muscles in your back. Do not attempt to lift any object that weighs more than 16 kg (35 lb) or that you think is too heavy for you.v Do not perform any action that causes hazards to the customer, or that makes the equipment unsafe. v Before you start the machine, make sure that other service representatives and the customer’s personnel are not in a hazardous position. v Place removed covers and other parts in a safe place, away from all personnel, while you are servicing the machine. v Keep your toolcase away from walk areas so that other people will not trip over it. v Do not wear loose clothing that can be trapped in the moving parts of a machine. Make sure that your sleeves are fastened or rolled up above your elbows. If your hair is long, fasten it. v Insert the ends of your necktie or scarf inside clothing or fasten it with a nonconductive clip, about 8 centimeters (3 inches) from the end. v Do not wear jewelry, chains, metal-frame eyeglasses, or metal fasteners for your clothing. Attention: Metal objects are good electrical conductors. v Wear safety glasses when you are hammering, drilling, soldering, cutting wire, attaching springs, using solvents, or working in any other conditions that might be hazardous to your eyes. v After service, reinstall all safety shields, guards, labels, and ground wires. Replace any safety device that is worn or defective. v Reinstall all covers correctly before returning the machine to the customer. v Fan louvers on the machine help to prevent overheating of internal components. Do not obstruct fan louvers or cover them with labels or stickers.
pangzhijun2008 發(fā)表于 2008-7-5 23:29:17 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國廣東深圳
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