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開(kāi)機顯示error loading operating system, 給大家分享分享···

涂亮 發(fā)表于 2010-9-2 20:29:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式 來(lái)自 中國湖北荊州


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maxtor官方:Suggestions to Resolve the Condition:
1)Apply power to the computer. 開(kāi)機(不插硬盤(pán))。
2)Access the system BIOS. Set the drive type as None or Not Installed. Load BIOS Defaults .Load SETUP Defaults .在BIOS里,把硬盤(pán)設為NONE。
3)Save the BIOS changes and reboot the PC to a System Boot Diskette. 用啟動(dòng)盤(pán)重啟機。
4)Shut down the PC after the memory count is displayed. 檢測完內存后關(guān)機。
5)Reconnect the power and interface cables to the hard drive. 重新插上硬盤(pán)電源和數據線(xiàn)。
6)Access the System BIOS. 進(jìn)入BIOS。
7)Auto-Detect the hard drive. Ensure that the LBA Mode option is enabled. 設為自動(dòng)檢測硬盤(pán)。確認LBA模式無(wú)誤。
8)Save the BIOS changes and boot the PC with a System Diskette. 軟盤(pán)啟動(dòng)。
9)Partition and format the hard drive via the operating system. 分區格式化。
10)Reboot the system. On bootup, the screen should read: 重啟機,顯示如下:
Verifying DMI Pool Data  Update Successful
11)The system should continue booting normally. 正常。

Other Possible Solutions:

1)Apply power to the computer. 開(kāi)機。
2)Access the System BIOS. 進(jìn)入BIOS。
3)Disable both the Internal and External CPU Cache. These features are located in either the "BIOS Features" or "Advanced Settings" options of the BIOS Setup. NOTE: Consult the System or Motherboard User\'s Manual for exact location of the Internal and External CPU Cache settings. 參考系統或主板說(shuō)明,在"BIOS Features"或 "Advanced Settings"選項里,將內/外部CPU Cache設置為不可用。
4)Save the BIOS changes and reboot the PC to a System Boot Diskette. On bootup, the screen should read: 重啟機,顯示如下:
Verifying DMI Pool Data   Update Successful
The system should continue booting normally. 可以正常引導。
7)After the system successfully boots, re-start the PC and access the system BIOS.
Enable the External CPU Cache. This feature is located in the "BIOS Features" or "Advanced Settings".
NOTE: Consult the System or Motherboard User\'s Manual for exact location of the External CPU Cache setting.成功引導后,重啟機,在BIOS里將CPU的兩個(gè)項恢復為enable。
! WARNING ! User\'s MUST re-enable this feature for optimal system performance. 該步驟必須執行。
8)Save the BIOS changes and reboot the PC to a System Boot Diskette. On bootup, the screen should read:
Verifying DMI Pool Data
Update Successful
The system should continue booting normally.

he287357888 發(fā)表于 2010-9-4 00:31:53 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國廣西欽州
svnr88 發(fā)表于 2010-9-8 02:38:02 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國廣東深圳
bing2880 發(fā)表于 2010-9-8 11:29:28 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國河北張家口
guohao 發(fā)表于 2010-9-9 15:40:37 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國山西太原
qzkqq123 發(fā)表于 2010-9-27 10:09:40 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國廣東深圳
ihmmm 發(fā)表于 2010-10-26 15:31:17 | 只看該作者 來(lái)自 中國重慶
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